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Inter­na­tional Rethin­king Libe­ra­lism Confe­rence: Chal­lenges to Libe­ra­lism in Tur­bu­lent Times

16. Januar ,09:30 - 20:00 Uhr


Allianz Forum Berlin
Pariser Platz 6, 10117 Berlin
Invi­ta­tion to Inter­na­tional Rethin­king Libe­ra­lism Conference
Chal­lenges to Libe­ra­lism in Tur­bu­lent Times
Date: Thurs­day, January 16, 9.30am‑8.00pm (CET)

Loca­tion: Allianz Forum Berlin, Pariser Platz 6, 10117 Berlin

.The current state of libe­ra­lism is a cause for great concern. The most recent and most conse­quential example of the domi­nant illi­be­ral swing is the stun­ning come­back of Donald Trump in the United States. Right-wing popu­list forces are in govern­ment in Italy, Slo­va­kia, Hungary, the Nether­lands and many other count­ries. Count­ries like Poland, where a natio­nal-popu­list govern­ment has been voted out, are the excep­tion. To get out of the liberal defen­sive, there needs to be a better under­standing of the causes of the crisis of liberal demo­cracy and the rise of popu­lism. Fur­ther­more, fresh ideas are needed on how liberal demo­cracy should be renewed to regain support domesti­cally and inter­na­tio­nally. Key ques­ti­ons we want to discuss:

  • Do the insti­tu­tions of demo­cracy need to be refor­med, and the possi­bi­lities of demo­cra­tic parti­ci­pation expanded?
  • How can the perfor­mance of liberal demo­cra­cies be impro­ved in the face of huge poli­ti­cal, eco­no­mic and ecolo­gical challenges?
  • How should they deal with core issues on the popu­list agenda – such as the issue of migration?
  • What follows from the concept of a “robust demo­cracy” – and how do we avoid slip­ping into an autho­ri­tarian logic in the name of defen­ding freedom?
  • How should liberal demo­cra­cies deal with the new sys­te­mic con­flict with autho­ri­tarian powers, espe­ci­ally China and Russia?
  • Which gaps and malde­ve­lo­p­ments in libe­ra­lism itself contri­buted to its crisis?
  • How can liberal demo­crats counter the “poli­tics of emo­ti­ons” of popu­list actors?

On January 16, you can expect a full day of inspi­ring discus­sions and lots of room for net­wor­king with liberal minds from various count­ries. We are looking forward to wel­co­ming you to Berlin!

Note (!): Your regis­tration is only valid after recei­ving a confir­mation of registration.
Film and photo recor­dings will be made at the event. You agree to their subse­quent use by atten­ding the event.